Khori Tulaan

An RP profile for Khori Tulaan
Server: Mateus
Data Center: Crystal

Personal Traits

Personality, hobbies, and other facts about Khori. Interested? Take a look!

RP Hooks

Want to know some potential reasons for your character to have an interaction with Khori? Here are some ways we can make that happen!

Out Of Character Info, Contact Info, and Writing Sample

Just some quick notes about my contact information, me as a roleplayer, my preferences, and aspects of my writing that may be relevant to your own preferences.Included is a writing sample of what an emote from me playing Khori might look like, to help you gauge your interest.

Personal Traits

Religious Views

The Tulaan believe in a strict hierarchy of souls. Some life is simply more significant and valuable than others. Every eleventh child born into the Tulaan tribe is believed to be cursed, lacking the fundamental traits in the soul that make a human being a human being. Khori Tulaan, despite her well-meaning disposition, was one of these children. Raised with the belief that being human will forever be an unattainable mark of greatness for her, this eccentric Xaela regards all the humans she’s surrounded by with unrivaled adoration and idolization. Every individual woman and man a true divinity, a deity worthy of following and being devoted to with surprising religious fervor no matter how humble their lives seem to be. A mere beast walking in a world of the gods she reveres, Khori often finds herself without food, lodgings, or material possessions despite her considerable talent in blue magic. Much of her time and resources are spent making herself useful for those deemed infinitely more important. All gil is given freely, and much of her time is spent on tasks that random deities need doing. The wills of divine humans are not to be lightly defied, and so the xaela regularly finds herself getting into trouble on behalf of strangers as a result, as her saying no to a human is a blasphemy that almost never occurs. These beliefs play a large part in defining Khori's interactions and relationships with others.

Personality and Other Hobbies

Khori carries herself with an air of formality, intelligence, and stone-faced stoicism. As well as strong sense of optimism that can sometimes feel at odds with how she views herself. Her unusual insistence of adding over the top honorifics means you can expect a lot of "Yes, Divine Lady?" and "Of course, My Lord." from her. Of course, humans prefer some Gods and Goddesses over others. Khori is no different in this regard, and those that grow closer to her will quickly find this stoic attitude turns into a mask that slips with increasing frequency. She may bite back her grin and correct her excited running towards you to a calmer stride, but no performance can hide that happily wagging tail behind her as she shows off the latest gift she got you. Many soon come to understand that she is not nearly as phlegmatic as she strives to be.Mysterious circumstances have only recently spurred her on to wander Eorzea away from her tribe. Evidently, she is still very fond of them, as she insists on carrying her tribal traditions wherever she goes. Settling disputes with the favored sport of the Tulaan, replicating their staple foods as best she can, engaging in their rites, as well as aiding and paying tribute to any person she’s able to. There is more to her under the surface than her worship and tribal customs however, even if they strongly define how she engages with people. When the Xaela has time to herself, it’s often spent honing her prowess in blue magic and hunting alike, both activities often synergistically feeding into one an other. Further spells mean greater foes, and greater foes mean further spells. The Xaela regularly chases self-improvement in this way. Khori’s curious nature means she’s always excited to learn more about others too, and so seeking brand new experiences and skills is something she loves doing when she gets the chance.

Likes and Dislikes

Khori will melt at petting, head scratches, and horn scratches without fail, easily reduced to putty beneath the fingers. Unable to cook beyond roasting her hunted animals on a fire, and also unable to regularly afford the higher quality foods found in civilization, Khori has a huge weakness for any food that's more complex than sticking a fish over a fire. Simple sandwiches, fries, soups, stews, desserts, all of it is viewed as opulent.Khori panics around chocobo. She will go stiff and wide-eyed and it's immediately obvious. Full-blown fear. Awfully random, perhaps there's a reason for it? Others attempting to 'save' her by dismissing her beliefs and calling them wrong is an other distaste of hers, though more of a common annoyance than a fear. It is one that will be met with a fake smile to mask the frustration. Many manage to disagree in a respectful manner, but there is an irony in the condescension that is often engaged in by those insulting her background to insist she's an equal.

RP Hooks

Your Passionate, Devoted Follower

With Khori's unusual religious belief in the divine nature of humans, which she does not consider herself a part of, she's ever eager to make herself useful to the 'divine'. Khori is an incredibly useful asset to have, and an easy one to acquire as well. Do you want a protector? Perhaps the assistance of a free worker for your business ventures? Maybe you just could use some regular extra gil. Do you have an academic interest in her tribe's culture? Or, potentially, being showered with praise and gifts is a welcome stroking of your ego. Whatever your ends may be, a simple acceptance of Khori's beliefs and an uttered request is all it takes. Someone viewing you as a personal deity certainly comes with amazing perks. She will doggedly pursue living out your ideals, clasp her hands and whisper your name in prayer, and work tirelessly to ensure all of your wants are met.

Could You Use a Savior?

Whether it be mundane troubles like dealing with a work-related task, or life-threatening emergencies. Khori will always drop what she's doing to help a struggling deity. Expect her to rush to your aid to heal you after your brush with death if she stumbles across you. Expect her to insist she take that luggage off of your hands. Expect her to cover the purchase you just realized you couldn't afford. The possibilities are endless, really. She just wants to help you, and that makes meeting her relatively easy.

Could SHE Use a Savior?

If one were to listen to Khori's beliefs, they might find the dehumanizing way she views herself to be sad or unsettling. The Xaela objects to her tribe's philosophies being dismissed, and insists she is content, but is that really true? Her clothes are in tatters, her hands are blistered from work, she has not a gil to her name, and she's sleeping outside so she could afford a night at the tavern for a couple of strangers. That can't be fulfilling, can it? If you could somehow convince her of her humanity, would it prove to be a benefit for her? For some, the natural reaction may to be try. It might be a long-term project, though. An option much more likely to work may just be ordering her to let you take care of her for a little while, a brief respite from her obvious struggles. A harnessing of the problem for her own good. Though, that just reinforces the core issue, doesn't it? Her situation is a tough one for those who view her tribal religion as illegitimate and harmful.

A Talented Blue Mage and Healer

Despite Khori's humility, she has a decent grasp of blue magic that would put some of the 'humans' above her to shame. Injured and require healing? Are you a practicing blue mage and want free mentorship? Need a combatant to protect you? Khori's healing also feels wonderfully soothing on its own, it may be just what you need to unwind and destress. For whatever reason it is, she would swiftly employ her skills for you if you could benefit from them.

Have a Different Hook in Mind?

Let me know! Khori is VERY well-suited to fitting into the stories of others. Her motivations lie in helping her deities as much as possible, and so it almost doesn't matter what it is your character gets up to, she wants to be involved and help. I'm always happy to swap ideas, so please do so if you have an idea you want to try!

A Writing Sample

The unnamed xaela briefly eyed the wriggling fish skewered to her stick, then lowered it into the flames of her campfire. A disinterested gaze lingered on its pained writhing before she turned to the stranger beside her, and offered up a polite smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "All lives are equal, You say? I do not mean to be impetuous, but I disagree, Divine Lady. I think You have the same intuitive understanding of life as I do, in fact." The au ra's voice was soft and smooth. Feminine, yet thoroughly monotone in its delivery. It suited her face well, the way it so often rested within unreadable neutrality. With her free hand, the xaela gestured to the other's shoes."Your boots, made from the skin of a fellow beast. Our fish we'll be eating, my equal as well. Did You ever stop to grieve them? Did You ever even bother to think of the lives they led before their lives were taken for You? Yet surely you'd never skin a miqo'te for your boots, or dine on a viera? There is a difference. You claim our smaller lives for Your happiness. Guiltlessly, as You should. For if our lives are as sparks, Yours is as the sun. It is nothing to feel bad about, it is just the natural order of things. Besides, we are very lucky to have our lives spent on such a beautiful smile, even if our ultimate sacrifices bring about only a fleeting moment of joy for those divines beyond us."

Out Of Character + Contact Info

You can /tell "Khori Tulaan" on Mateus as a way to contact me. I'd prefer you messaging me on Discord as your first contact though, ideally with some details about your character and intentions in your first message. My discord is aevah.- I strictly RP in-game. I've tried Discord RP with contacts dozens and dozens of times, it doesn't hold my attention or immersion in large part because of how long it takes between emotes a lot of the time. Having the actual visuals in-game is a nice part of the experience for me too.- I'm over 21 if that matters to you!- I average about 2 paragraphs per post most of the time. I'm not too picky about your post length though, as long as there's a little detail or emoting between the vocalizations, I should be pretty engaged all around.- I enjoy almost all themes really. Some contacts I get more character development out of, others are more consistent slice of life. Some I really enjoy exploring dark themes with. My only theme I don't enjoy much is ERP. Romance is great though, and she's romanceable by women, it just needs to be a realistic slow burn that isn't forced. If erotic things happen after a lengthy and natural build-up into romance, those erotic things are going to have to happen 'offscreen' for the most part, sorry.- I'm very approachable OOC even if it's talk that has nothing to do with our roleplay. I especially love when people nerd out at me over RP ideas. I feel way better about my RP contacts when there's a mutual passion, a back and forth of story ideas.